through and through στο γαλλικό λεξικό Oxford-Hachette

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά

1. through (from one side to the other):

2. through (via, by way of):

5. through (expressing source or agency):

1. through (finished):

through οικ

2. through (direct):

Βλέπε και: go, sort, sleep through, see through, see, search, run, put, practice run, pass, live2, live1, hell, get, carry

1. go (move, travel):

aller (from de, to à, en)
who goes there? ΣΤΡΑΤ
where do we go from here? μτφ

2. go (on specific errand, activity):

11. go (be, remain):

15. go (operate, function):

tenir le coup οικ

18. go (extend in depth or scope):

24. go (happen):

comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment va? αργκ

30. go (emphatic use):

tu peux être fier de toi! ειρων

1. go βρετ:

tour αρσ
essai αρσ
à qui le tour?
he's all go οικ!
it's all the go οικ!
that was a near go οικ!
to go off on one βρετ οικ
to go off like a frog in a sock αυστραλ οικ event:
s'éclater οικ
there you go οικ!
don't go there αργκ

1. sort (kind, type):

sorte θηλ
genre αρσ
that's my sort of holiday βρετ or vacation αμερικ

3. sort (type of person):

1. see (perceive):

to see that
voir que
I don't know what you see in him οικ

4. see (meet up with):

see you οικ!
salut! οικ
see you next week/(on) Sunday οικ!

7. see (look upon, consider):

12. see:

1. see (with eyes):

so I see

1. run (act or period of running):

course θηλ
to give sb a clear run μτφ

8. run (trip, route):

route θηλ
trajet αρσ

5. run (operate):

1. run (move quickly):

2. run (flee):

run for your life! run for it οικ!
run for your life! run for it οικ!
I had to run for it οικ

4. run (function):

7. run (pass):

8. run (move):

9. run (operate regularly):

10. run (flow):

put ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΠ → put option

II.put <μετ ενεστ putting, απλ παρελθ, μετ παρακειμ put> [βρετ pʊt, αμερικ pʊt] ΡΉΜΑ μεταβ

1. put (place):

2. put (cause to go or undergo):

3. put (cause to be or do):

to put sb in goal/in defence βρετ

6. put (express):

that's one way of putting it! ειρων

8. put (rate, rank):

2. pass (hand over):

‘we'll pass you back to the studio now’ TV, ΡΑΔΙΟΦ

1. live (conduct):

1. live:

2. live (lead one's life):

3. live (remain alive):

live (gen) μτφ
I'll live! χιουμ

4. live (subsist, maintain existence):

2. hell (unpleasant experience):

hell οικ
enfer αρσ
en baver οικ
a neighbour from hell οικ

3. hell (as intensifier) οικ:

he's one hell of a smart guy αμερικ
on en a bavé οικ
barrons-nous! οικ
dégage! οικ
qu'est- ce que tu fais, bon Dieu? οικ
je laisse tomber! οικ
to be hell οικ on sth αμερικ
to catch hell οικ αμερικ
to do sth for the hell of it οικ
to give sb hell αργκ (cause to suffer)
engueuler qn οικ
go on, give 'em hell αργκ
not to have a hope in hell αργκ of doing
chambouler qc οικ
to raise (merry) hell οικ

I.get <μετ ενεστ getting, prét got, μετ παρακειμ got, gotten αμερικ> [ɡet] ΡΉΜΑ μεταβ This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeuner.
get is used in many idiomatic expressions (to get something off one's chest etc.) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc.). This is also true of offensive comments (get stuffed etc.) where the appropriate entry would be stuff.
Remember that when get is used to express the idea that a job is done not by you but by somebody else (to get a room painted etc.) faire is used in French followed by an infinitive (faire repeindre une pièce etc.).
When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc.) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc.) as a single verb often suffices (s'enrichir, s'enivrer etc.).
For examples and further uses of get see the entry below.

1. get (receive):

get TV, ΡΑΔΙΟΦ channel, programme

3. get (obtain):

27. get (start):

to get to doing οικ

31. get (cause):

to get sb pregnant οικ

4. get (arrive):

5. get (progress):

get along with you οικ!
get away with you οικ!
get her οικ!
get him οικ in that hat!
he got his (was killed) οικ
il a cassé sa pipe οικ
I've/he's got it bad οικ
to get it together οικ
to get it up χυδ, αργκ
bander χυδ, αργκ
to get it up χυδ, αργκ
to get one's in αμερικ οικ
to get with it οικ
where does he get off οικ?

1. carry person, animal bag, shopping, load, news, message:

to carry sth too far μτφ

2. carry:

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά (Μετάβαση προς Γαλλικά»Αγγλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Γαλλικά»Αγγλικά (Μετάβαση προς Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά

1. through (from one side to the other):

2. through (via, by way of):

5. through (expressing source or agency):

1. through (finished):

through οικ

2. through (direct):

Βλέπε και: go, sort, sleep through, see through, see, search, run, put, practice run, pass, live2, live1, hell, get, carry

1. go (move, travel):

aller (from de, to à, en)
who goes there? ΣΤΡΑΤ
where do we go from here? μτφ

2. go (on specific errand, activity):

11. go (be, remain):

15. go (operate, function):

tenir le coup οικ

18. go (extend in depth or scope):

24. go (happen):

comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment va? αργκ

30. go (emphatic use):

tu peux être fier de toi! ειρων

1. go βρετ:

tour αρσ
essai αρσ
à qui le tour?
he's all go οικ!
it's all the go οικ!
that was a near go οικ!
to go off on one βρετ οικ
to go off like a frog in a sock αυστραλ οικ event:
s'éclater οικ
there you go οικ!
don't go there αργκ

1. sort (kind, type):

sorte θηλ
genre αρσ
that's my sort of holiday βρετ or vacation αμερικ

3. sort (type of person):

1. see (perceive):

to see that
voir que
I don't know what you see in him οικ

4. see (meet up with):

see you οικ!
salut! οικ
see you next week/(on) Sunday οικ!

7. see (look upon, consider):

12. see:

1. see (with eyes):

so I see

1. run (act or period of running):

course θηλ
to give sb a clear run μτφ

8. run (trip, route):

route θηλ
trajet αρσ

5. run (operate):

1. run (move quickly):

2. run (flee):

run for your life! run for it οικ!
run for your life! run for it οικ!
I had to run for it οικ

4. run (function):

7. run (pass):

8. run (move):

9. run (operate regularly):

10. run (flow):

put ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΠ → put option

II.put <μετ ενεστ putting, απλ παρελθ, μετ παρακειμ put> [βρετ pʊt, αμερικ pʊt] ΡΉΜΑ μεταβ

1. put (place):

2. put (cause to go or undergo):

3. put (cause to be or do):

to put sb in goal/in defence βρετ

6. put (express):

that's one way of putting it! ειρων

8. put (rate, rank):

2. pass (hand over):

‘we'll pass you back to the studio now’ TV, ΡΑΔΙΟΦ

1. live (conduct):

1. live:

2. live (lead one's life):

3. live (remain alive):

live (gen) μτφ
I'll live! χιουμ

4. live (subsist, maintain existence):

2. hell (unpleasant experience):

hell οικ
enfer αρσ
en baver οικ
a neighbour from hell οικ

3. hell (as intensifier) οικ:

he's one hell of a smart guy αμερικ
on en a bavé οικ
barrons-nous! οικ
dégage! οικ
qu'est- ce que tu fais, bon Dieu? οικ
je laisse tomber! οικ
to be hell οικ on sth αμερικ
to catch hell οικ αμερικ
to do sth for the hell of it οικ
to give sb hell αργκ (cause to suffer)
engueuler qn οικ
go on, give 'em hell αργκ
not to have a hope in hell αργκ of doing
chambouler qc οικ
to raise (merry) hell οικ

I.get <μετ ενεστ getting, prét got, μετ παρακειμ got, gotten αμερικ> [ɡet] ΡΉΜΑ μεταβ This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeuner.
get is used in many idiomatic expressions (to get something off one's chest etc.) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc.). This is also true of offensive comments (get stuffed etc.) where the appropriate entry would be stuff.
Remember that when get is used to express the idea that a job is done not by you but by somebody else (to get a room painted etc.) faire is used in French followed by an infinitive (faire repeindre une pièce etc.).
When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc.) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc.) as a single verb often suffices (s'enrichir, s'enivrer etc.).
For examples and further uses of get see the entry below.

1. get (receive):

get TV, ΡΑΔΙΟΦ channel, programme

3. get (obtain):

27. get (start):

to get to doing οικ

31. get (cause):

to get sb pregnant οικ

4. get (arrive):

5. get (progress):

get along with you οικ!
get away with you οικ!
get her οικ!
get him οικ in that hat!
he got his (was killed) οικ
il a cassé sa pipe οικ
I've/he's got it bad οικ
to get it together οικ
to get it up χυδ, αργκ
bander χυδ, αργκ
to get it up χυδ, αργκ
to get one's in αμερικ οικ
to get with it οικ
where does he get off οικ?

1. carry person, animal bag, shopping, load, news, message:

to carry sth too far μτφ

2. carry:

and [βρετ ənd, (ə)n, and, αμερικ ænd, (ə)n] ΣΎΝΔ When used as a straightforward conjunction, and is translated by et: to shout and sing = crier et chanter; Tom and Linda = Tom et Linda; my friend and colleague = mon ami et collègue.
and is sometimes used between two verbs in English to mean ‘in order to’ (wait and see, go and ask, try and rest etc.). To translate these expressions, look under the appropriate verb entry (wait, go, try etc).
For examples and other uses, see the entry below.

3. and (with repetition):

il y a ami et ami

Βλέπε και: wait, try, go

1. wait (remain patiently):

tu verras bien οικ
tu vas voir! οικ
tiens-toi bien! οικ
wait for it! ΣΤΡΑΤ

1. try (attempt):

essai αρσ
nice try! ειρων

II.try <pl tries> [βρετ trʌɪ, αμερικ traɪ] ΡΉΜΑ μεταβ <απλ παρελθ, μετ παρακειμ tried>

2. try (test out):

III.try <pl tries> [βρετ trʌɪ, αμερικ traɪ] ΡΉΜΑ αμετάβ <απλ παρελθ, μετ παρακειμ tried>

1. try (make attempt):

essaie un peu! οικ

1. go (move, travel):

aller (from de, to à, en)
who goes there? ΣΤΡΑΤ
where do we go from here? μτφ

2. go (on specific errand, activity):

11. go (be, remain):

15. go (operate, function):

tenir le coup οικ

18. go (extend in depth or scope):

24. go (happen):

comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment ça va? οικ
how goes it? χιουμ
comment va? αργκ

30. go (emphatic use):

tu peux être fier de toi! ειρων

1. go βρετ:

tour αρσ
essai αρσ
à qui le tour?
he's all go οικ!
it's all the go οικ!
that was a near go οικ!
to go off on one βρετ οικ
to go off like a frog in a sock αυστραλ οικ event:
s'éclater οικ
there you go οικ!
don't go there αργκ

through and through στο λεξικό PONS

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά (Μετάβαση προς Γαλλικά»Αγγλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Γαλλικά»Αγγλικά (Μετάβαση προς Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για through and through στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Γαλλικά

Αμερικανικά Αγγλικά

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