public office στο Ιταλικό λεξικό Oxford-Paravia

Μεταφράσεις για public office στο λεξικό Ιταλικά»Αγγλικά

carrozzone μτφ, μειωτ

Μεταφράσεις για public office στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά

1. office (room or place of work):

ufficio αρσ
doctor's, dentist's office αμερικ

2. office (position):

ufficio αρσ
incarico αρσ
to stand βρετ or run αμερικ for office

public office στο λεξικό PONS

Μεταφράσεις για public office στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

In partisan elections, candidates are nominated by a political party or seek public office as an independent.
He was one of very few religious dissenters holding a national public office at this time.
He is usually seen wearing a bow tie and collar, though he sometimes switches to a diagonally striped necktie when running for public office.
He has largely remained out of public life since his election defeat, and has not run for any other public office.
He was barred from holding public office, though never convicted of embezzlement.
Failure to do so could result in disciplinary or criminal proceedings related to misfeasance in public office or malfeasance in public office.
On her fiftieth birthday she announced that she was retiring from public office.
In this case, the offence of misfeasance in public office or malfeasance in public office may be considered instead.
The ethics of his financial operations were called into question at the time, but it was generally accepted that people could profit from public office.
The similarly named malfeasance (or misfeasance) in public office is a tort.

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