proline στο Ιταλικό λεξικό Oxford-Paravia

Μεταφράσεις για proline στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά (Μετάβαση προς Ιταλικά»Αγγλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για proline στο λεξικό Ιταλικά»Αγγλικά (Μετάβαση προς Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά)

Κι άλλες μεταφράσεις και εκφράσεις με τη λέξη που αναζητήσατε.

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

The encoded protein is rich in hydrophobic amino acids such as glycine and proline, which form mobile hydrophobic regions bounded by crosslinks between lysine residues.
Proline enters a catalytic cycle by reacting with the aldehyde to form an enamine.
The lower proline and hydroxproline contents of cold-water fish and other poikilotherm animals leads to their collagen having a lower thermal stability than mammalian collagen.
The protein encoded by this gene is a mitochondrial proline dehydrogenase which catalyzes the first step in proline catabolism.
The centro symmetrical crystal of the corresponding racemic ketol without a heavy atom label has been obtained by the use of racemic proline.
The conversion between proline and glutamine, and the reverse reaction controlled by different enzymes, are important factors required to maintain proper metabolism and protein production.
Exclusively, prolidase separates dipeptides that contain proline of hydroxyproline, which are both amino acids.
Most of the amino acids, except proline, are hydrolyzed and react with ninhydrin.
This enzyme belongs to the family of proline racemases acting on free amino acids.
They are characterised by the presence of at least one proline.

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