gainsaying στο Ιταλικό λεξικό Oxford-Paravia

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

There is no gainsaying the point that one is entitled to one's opinion and not facts.
There is no gainsaying that elections are an essential part of our democracy.
While some of the choices they have made are questionable, the individual courage of officers in the most trying of circumstances can not be gainsaid.
So, there is therefore, no gainsaying the fact that he started well.
Mastery of the diverse fashions and effects can not be gainsaid.
And there's no gainsaying that we're resentful of the fact that we live in a nation unfairly defined by its capital city.
There is no gainsaying the fact that the worsening economy has adversely affected maternal healthcare services in the country.
The socio-economic value of the same could not be gainsaid and the people were profuse in their gratitude.
While the political part of oneself is outlining the imperative, the creative aspect of oneself is untameable, off the leash, gainsaying.
None of this is to gainsay the real and urgent need for a better security response.

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