flypast στο Ιταλικό λεξικό Oxford-Paravia

Μεταφράσεις για flypast στο λεξικό Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά (Μετάβαση προς Ιταλικά»Αγγλικά)

Μεταφράσεις για flypast στο λεξικό Ιταλικά»Αγγλικά (Μετάβαση προς Αγγλικά»Ιταλικά)

Κι άλλες μεταφράσεις και εκφράσεις με τη λέξη που αναζητήσατε.
flypast βρετ

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

The day event will include: capability demonstrations both on the ground and in the air; a formal sunset parade and flypast.
It's just that these days they don't all stand on the balcony for a flypast, so we forget how many playboys we're paying for.
The aircraft was doing a low flypast over the airport as part of an air show, but crashed into trees at the northern end of the airport.
There is a flypast by the airforce.
To cap it all, they would have a spectacular flypast of every aircraft in the book.
The flypast concluded successfully, and the formation returned to base.
The flypast of various military aircraft on the parade shows the country's military air offensive and defensive capabilities.
The planned flypast finale was cancelled, due to the weather.
Following a low-level supersonic flypast and during a left bank at about 450 knots (830 km/h) toward the air show's 120,000 spectators, the pilot started a climb.

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