floriculture στο γαλλικό λεξικό Oxford-Hachette

Μεταφράσεις για floriculture στο λεξικό Γαλλικά»Αγγλικά

Κι άλλες μεταφράσεις και εκφράσεις με τη λέξη που αναζητήσατε.
Αμερικανικά Αγγλικά

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

As such they have a very important place in the floriculture trade for sale as cut flowers or potted plants.
Intensive farming such as green house farming and floriculture is the main economic activity of the town.
Many womenfolk are self-employed in floriculture and in beedi making.
He was well versed in wood-carving, architecture, carpentry, floriculture.
Over the years, other sections were opened: floriculture, fruit arboriculture, floristry, additional subjects for horticultural professionals, and a high school for landscape gardening.

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