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Μεταφράσεις για „lockup“ στο λεξικό Αγγλικά » Γερμανικά (Μετάβαση προς Γερμανικά » Αγγλικά)

minimum lockup period ΟΥΣ ΕΠΈΝΔ-ΧΡΗΜ

Ειδικό λεξιλόγιο

Μονόγλωσσα παραδείγματα (μη ελεγχόμενα από το λεξικογραφικό τμήμα)

Other innovations included equipping dragsters with data recorders, installing a two-stage lockup-style clutch, and a fuel delivery system with two sources.
She agreed to an extra lockup arrangement on shares she still controlled, and this was put in the prospectus.
The early designs simple on or off lockup function while the later design can variably lock as to not feel the lock up occur.
A number of reviewers also ran into multiple software glitches during their testing, such as lockups, sluggish performance and refusal to switch orientation.
Some cities continue to maintain temporary lockups, but city jails were abolished as a rule.
Both machines had a lockup time of 200 milliseconds, as distinct from the industry standard 5 second pre-roll.
While raiding the lockup, the dealer caught them in the act and a car chase ensued.
When built, the building housed all town offices, including the police station and a small lockup, as well as the public library.
It also has a lockup torque converter on all seven gears, allowing better transmission of torque for improved acceleration.
First year for the hand drum check (a lockup area).

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